Magnolia Kobus Cookie Almond

Magnolia Kobus Cookie Almond ¥165
こぶしの花のクッキー アーモンド ¥165

It is almond cookies with the image of the city of flowers fist. Finished with a cutting die of special flower shape of the fist, the surface has been decorated almonds and chopped pistachio that mimics the pistil and stamen. Kneaded almond poodle plenty plus three kinds of butter in the dough, and baked and crispy.


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ケーキの店 トロワフレール (Pâtisserie Trois Frères)

電話 048-477-8177
住所 埼玉県新座市野火止1-14-7
営業 11:00~20:00 (水曜定休)



電話 048-830-3343
住所 埼玉県さいたま市浦和区高砂3-15-1埼玉県本庁舎1階
