Magnolia Kobus Cookie Coconut ¥165
Merengue is a cookie in the image of the city of flowers fist. Meal was the coconut kneaded into meringue fabric, and dry baked at a low temperature. On the surface of the cookies that targeted one by one petal, we decorate the almonds and chopped pistachio that mimics the pistil and stamen.
ケーキの店 トロワフレール (Pâtisserie Trois Frères)
電話 | 048-477-8177 |
住所 | 埼玉県新座市野火止1-14-7 |
営業 | 11:00~20:00 (水曜定休) |
電話 | 048-830-3343 |
住所 | 埼玉県さいたま市浦和区高砂3-15-1埼玉県本庁舎1階 |